MRes Health Research (en línea)
Stirling, Reino Unido
12 up to 30 Months
Tiempo completo, Tiempo Parcial
Solicitar fecha límite de solicitud
Sep 2025
GBP 8100 / per year *
Enseñanza a distancia
* Para obtener información actualizada sobre las tarifas, consulte el sitio web
Visión de conjunto
Los sectores de la salud y la atención social cambian constantemente para proporcionar un mejor tratamiento y acceso a la atención. La mejora de los servicios de salud y asistencia social no sería posible sin el trabajo de investigadores bien capacitados.
Nuestro Máster en Investigación Sanitaria le prepara para llevar a cabo una investigación rigurosa y de alta calidad. Usted se beneficiará de nuestro fuerte énfasis en las habilidades teóricas y prácticas y usted será apoyado por un equipo multidisciplinario de investigadores experimentados y profesionales de la salud.
Plan de estudios
Our Health Research Masters degree equips you to conduct high quality, rigorous research. You’ll benefit from our strong emphasis on both theoretical and practical skills and you'll be supported by a multidisciplinary team of experienced researchers and health professionals.
The course is suitable for diverse backgrounds including medicine, nursing, midwifery, allied health, social work, social and natural sciences. It's for anyone wishing to pursue a career in health research or to study for a PhD.
The course is entirely online, giving you the freedom to work towards a Masters around your personal and professional commitments.
Course objectives
The aim of our MRes Health Research programme is to develop skilled and knowledgeable researchers, able to understand and apply a full range of research methods and approaches to conducting research in health. We focus on equipping you with a combination of skills and experience, as well as placing an emphasis on developing confidence in both independent study and working as part of a team.
This MRes has been designed to be suitable for both novice and experienced researchers. No matter what your level of expertise may be, we will equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills to prepare for a career in research or to study for a PhD.
Professional accreditations
This course meets the requirements for the ESRC 1+3 awards, which means prospective students are eligible to apply for a studentship providing funding for a one-year research training Masters linked to a three-year PhD. Prospective applicants should apply approximately one year in advance of their intended start date.
Work placements
The Research in Practice module will give you experience of working within a research team. Students are allocated to research projects and these can also be completed remotely. Some students opt to spend some time on campus to benefit from the full experience.
Course details
Study part-time or full time as you work towards a Health Research Masters degree. Advance your knowledge and skills in how to conduct high quality, rigorous health research.
This course includes six modules and a dissertation project, all of which need to be completed in order to earn the Masters award. Full-time students will be expected to take 12 months to complete this work. Part-time students can complete the course in two or three years. If you are working full time, you are strongly recommended to undertake the programme part-time.
This course benefits from considerable staff expertise in online learning. All lectures are delivered as podcasts or recorded in real-time with student participation. Additionally, ‘virtual classroom’ sessions offer the opportunity for students to engage in discussions, ask questions and collaborate on tasks.