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KIT Institute Analizar perturbado los sistemas de salud en los países en crisis (ADHS)
KIT Institute

Analizar perturbado los sistemas de salud en los países en crisis (ADHS)

Amsterdam, Países Bajos

2 Weeks


Tiempo completo

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En el campus

* Anticipado BIRD: EUR 1540 (si el pago se realiza al 1 de mayo del 2017)


If you are a health professional working in or with countries in crisis, working as health personnel in government institutions, NGOs, UN agencies and humanitarian organizations or as an independent consultant, then this course is intended for you.

Este programa de formación residencial de 10 días para profesionales de la salud se centra en el análisis de los sistemas de salud en países afectados por crisis prolongadas o que se están recuperando de ellas. Está organizado conjuntamente con la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) .

Location and dates

Ámsterdam, Países Bajos: 14 -23 de agosto de 2024


Participants will be equipped to analyze disrupted health systems in complex emergencies, discuss humanitarian aid and politics, human rights policies, and strategies and plans of key actors.

Protracted crises, mainly those labeled ‘complex emergencies’, have a severe impact on health systems and all their constituent parts such as policy development, planning, human resources, financing, management, infrastructure and support systems.

Unreliable and incomplete information hampers sound decision making, while fast evolving conditions increase uncertainty. Health professionals often have limited experience analyzing the major features and distortions of disrupted health systems. Learning from the successes and failures in health sectors of countries facing similar crises can be difficult because lessons that could be relevant are not always well-documented. This course focuses on analyzing disrupted health systems, reviewing their main components, identifying key weaknesses, and discussing policy and strategy options that have been effective in relevant contexts. Group work exercises around country case studies help participants to apply concepts and approaches to realistic situations.


Este curso está acreditado por tropEd. Se puede tomar como un módulo avanzado para la Maestría en Salud Pública y Equidad en Salud en KIT u otro programa de Maestría en otros institutos tropEd, una red de instituciones europeas para la educación superior en salud internacional.


Plan de estudios

Objetivos y competencias del programa

Cuota de matrícula del programa

Sobre la escuela
